Thought Leadership for B2B

"Thought leadership is original thinking to help businesses engage top decision-makers and support their broader commercial and marketing goals."

It's hard for your B2B business to stand out.
• The market is crowded
• Your customers are harder to reach
• Your standard marketing strategy isn't working.

High-quality thought leadership is more critical than ever.If you want to engage decision-makers and build your authority to win new business, thought leadership content makes a difference, but it's hard to do well.

I spent 17 years as a BBC journalist before starting my agency. I work with corporate and B2B clients to change how they tell their story in market.I realised how many businesses were missing the opportunity to deliver original and compelling thought leadership, and also how my journalism experience could meet that need.Do you need help delivering a single piece of content or an end-to- end strategy?Let's start a conversation today.

You can also get your FREE guide to 'Thought Leadership for Your Business' - tips, frameworks and ideas to transform your b2b business's thought leadership content.

Our Work

“Thought leadership is a way to build relationships with potential customers based on knowledge—not on products and services.”

Our specialism is thought-leadership
content for b2b businesses. It's
increasingly the only way to stand out from competitors in a crowded market.
We offer everything from end-to-end content strategies and creative idea generation to content delivery and copywriting.

• Thought leadership content strategy
• LinkedIn strategy
• Full content audit
• All written marketing comms
• Long-form content (e.g emails, webpages, articles, newsletters, blogs, white papers and reports)
• Video production
• Events / webinar strategy & content


Hi, I'm CosmoI was a BBC journalist for 17 years before I started my own B2B content agency. I led a team of 25 people broadcasting national radio news to an audience of millions every day.During the pandemic I was keen to explore new challenges and realised there was an opportunity to apply my skillset to help b2b businesses tell their stories better in market.The best thought leadership content is closely aligned to journalism -original ideas, expertly crafted, to help your audience understand the world better.I've spent almost 20 years delivering content for a national UK audience of millions. My extensive experience in journalism and communications helps me bring a unique and distinctive perspective to your B2B business story.Why not find out what I can do for you?

You can also sign up to my weekly newsletter The Infinite Ideas Lab - Tips, frameworks and inspiration to make your creative ideas bigger and better...

Thank You

Thanks for your interest. I'll reply to your email as soon as possible.In the meantime please connect with me on LinkedIn, and the other social platforms.